
Students Organize Petition for Sustainable Serviceware at Campus Cafés

In efforts to reduce the number of single-use coffee cups that are used on campus every day and destined for the landfill, Students for a Sustainable Stanford launched an awareness …

Student Partnership with Local Community Results in Clean Energy Investment

Graduate students in the fall 2015 Energy Transformation Collaborative course leveraged class time to support sustainability in one of Stanford’s neighboring communities. The city of East Palo Alto asked for …

“Stories of Sustainability” Showcases Diverse Perspectives on Environmental Justice

In the first “Stories of Sustainability” event, hundreds of students came together to listen to how climate change had impacted the home communities of their peers. The ASSU Executive Committee …

Feb 16

Campus-Wide Partnerships Bring Attention to Environmental Justice

Environmental justice was a key topic of interest for students in 2016. To raise awareness and inspire action among the campus community, student organizations partnered with community centers to host …

Feb 16

Campus Partners Lead by Example with Cardinal Green Event Program

Stanford University hosts thousands of events across campus each year. To support the sustainability of these events and recognize the sustainability leadership of campus event planners, the Office of Sustainability …

Feb 16

Campus Strives for Zero Waste during RecycleMania Competition

Stanford took action against campus waste during winter quarter, resulting in a strong finish in RecycleMania, a national competition aimed at increasing recycling and composting and reducing landfilling. During February …

Feb 16

Rooted Words Bring Poetry and Prose Back to Earth Science

It wasn’t long ago that scientists such as Reginald Daly, William Davis, and John Hack communicated their research with lofty prose. Earth was magnificent to behold, and its processes could …

Feb 16

Stanford Scholars Author Detailed Book, Ecosystems of California

Emeritus Stanford Professor and Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellow Harold Mooney (Biology) co-edited the book Ecosystems of California, which provides a thorough overview of the state’s varied and rich ecosystems. …

Feb 16

Seven R&DE Student Housing Residences Convert to Green Cleaning

Following a successful pilot in 2015, Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) Student Housing’s Lantana, Castaño, Ng, KAO, Pi Phi, Terra, and ZAP residences converted to using 100% green cleaning methods. …

Feb 16

Campus Cafés Diverting Resources from Landfill with New Waste Stations

New waste stations were installed outside of cafés and eateries in the academic areas of campus to capture more compost and recycling. On-campus cafés are a big source of compostables, …

Stanford Global Climate & Energy Project Awards $7.6 million for Clean Energy Research

The Global Climate & Energy Project (GCEP) at Stanford has awarded $7.6 million for research on advanced energy technologies for industrialized countries and the developing world. The funding will be …