Sustainable Stanford Interns Support Key Initiatives on Campus
Nearly 25 students participated in the second year of the annual Sustainable Stanford Internship Program. This centrally coordinated program provides graduate and undergraduate students paid opportunities to gain hands-on experience implementing programs that influence on-campus sustainability. Working directly with campus sustainability staff, interns conduct research, implement projects, and engage their peers on a diverse set of sustainability topics. In addition to gaining experience in sustainability project design and implementation, interns also gain exposure to sustainability careers and a network of program alumni.
Student projects this year included auditing and retrofitting water fixtures in student housing, tracking recycling and composting rates in classrooms, initiating reusable mug discounts at campus cafes, developing sustainability trainings for Residential & Dining Enterprises Student Housing staff, producing a sustainable living video for staff and student orientations, and piloting bathroom composting in Greek housing. Operations staff will continue to develop and utilize much of the students’ work in the years to come.