Winter Closure Campaign Saves Energy and Money
The 2014-15 Winter Closure campaign saved the university more than $357,000. During the two-week closure, buildings are encouraged to turn off heat and ventilation and cancel custodial services while occupants are on vacation. Individuals can also contribute to these savings by unplugging the electronic devices in their campus residences and office spaces during their absence.
The Winter Closure campaign is closely coordinated between several operational departments as well as building managers and occupants in the hundreds of buildings that participate each year. In 2014-15, a total of 181 buildings participated in Winter Closure either fully or partially. Their combined conservation efforts led to resource savings of 1.5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, or 840 metric tons of CO2, which is consistent with savings from previous years. Campus savings from the winter curtailment program have totaled over $3.34 million since 2001. Office of Sustainability will continue to build the success of this campaign by engaging additional buildings and individuals in this savings opportunity.