Efforts to minimize campus waste have significantly reduced the total amount of material Stanford sends to landfill: 8,190 tons in 2017, for a diversion rate of 63%, compared to a peak of 14,000 tons in 1998. This reduction is partly in thanks to new efforts in Athletics, which led to diversion of 1.5 tons diverted through food donation at Stanford Stadium and collection of double the amount of compost collected during football season from 2016. An extensive reuse program also diverted 117 tons from landfill through Stanford Surplus Property Sales.
The Zero Waste by 2030 plan is underway and will be finalized in the coming year. The plan follows the waste hierarchy of prioritizing reduction and reuse, followed by recycling and rot (compost)), and will incorporate upstream solutions related to purchasing and contracts. The new plan will also have a robust education and outreach program to engage the community so that reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting become an ingrained set of behaviors.