Campus Cafés Diverting Resources from Landfill with New Waste Stations
New waste stations were installed outside of cafés and eateries in the academic areas of campus to capture more compost and recycling. On-campus cafés are a big source of compostables, yet either they did not have collection bins for compostables, or the bins they did have lacked capacity, visual signage, and consistency. Buildings and Grounds Maintenance (BGM), Peninsula Sanitary Service, Inc./Stanford Recycling, and the Planning Office worked together to design bins and signage to meet a list of criteria that included ease of use and cleaning, large capacity for composting, and color-coordinated signage. A total of 64 bins were ordered for 12 locations and installed by BGM Road Maintenance. With these new bins, campus cafés now have over 4,800 gallons of capacity for compostables and 380 gallons for recycling and landfill. Customers at these cafés now have the opportunity to compost their food, soiled paper, and compostable serviceware, helping the campus reach its recycling goal of 75% by 2020.