R&DE Seed Library Encourages Campus to Grow Food
Through its management of the BeWell Community Gardens and organic dining hall gardens on campus, the Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) Sustainable Food Program observed a significant interest in gardening on campus. In response, R&DE, together with student interns, founded a seed library. The library has grown from 20 members in its first month to over 900 members to date. Each month, it releases a new heirloom seed, along with an educational email written by a student intern. The email focuses on the history of the heirloom plant, how to plant it, and how to save its seeds, and often provides a recipe. Seed library members pick up seeds at Arrillaga Family Dining Commons. Members are encouraged to let a few of the plants they grow go to seed and to return the seeds to the library to sustain its growth, and many have done so. Some of the seeds offered this year include ‘Early Wonder’ beets, ‘Little Marvel’ garden peas, ‘Cosmic Purple’ carrots, ‘Atomic Red’ carrots, ‘Snow White’ carrots, ‘Blauhilde’ beans, and chives.