Stanford Graduate Students and Postdocs Enjoy Discounted Transit Pass
Two pilot Go Pass programs offered through Stanford Parking & Transportation Services provide graduate students and postdoctoral scholars substantial savings on transit. Members of these populations can pay one low price for unlimited travel through all zones on Caltrain, a commuter rail service along the San Francisco Peninsula. Those traveling through three Caltrain zones per day, for example, would normally pay $2,148 for the year, while the annual Go Pass can be purchased for $180 in 2015 ($100 for those purchasing it in August for use in September through December).
Commuters eligible for the Stanford Commute Club also could receive up to $300 a year in Clean Air Cash, which more than offsets the out-of-pocket cost of purchasing the pass. The pilot Go Pass programs started in September 2014 and are funded through December 2016.
Stanford continues to offer the Go Pass for free to all eligible university and hospital employees.