Campus Briefed on Divestment Decision at Town Hall
Stanford’s Investment Responsibility Stakeholder Relations (IRSR), with support from the Advisory Panel on Investment Responsibility Licensing (APIRL), hosted its annual Town Hall meeting on May 11. This year’s meeting was organized to offer transparency of IRSR and APIRL processes, especially as they relate to the university’s recent decision to not divest from all fossil fuel investments. Following a process overview, Alicia Seiger, deputy director of the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, led a presentation and discussion on the impact of divestment. Ideas on how to improve the APIRL and IRSR processes were offered by attendees and will be incorporated where possible.
IRSR partnered with the OpenXchange program to advertise the Town Hall and with the Office of Sustainability to make it a Cardinal Green event. More than 40 students, faculty, staff, and alumni attended.